NPR doesn't want ALL of the opinions, apparently.

Photo courtesy of

I follow Hedayah  on Facebook -- an organisation that is doing some great work with regard to pushing back against religious extremism and radicalization.

Along with their official posts, they also distribute the work of others in their social media feed, like this one by Average Mohamed via the NPR website.

What is as interesting as the article is the comment stream that follows it. It's the usual fare: "You are the problem/they are the problem/tolerance is the problem...."

Strangely, NPR don't seem particularly interested in a broader point of view than the standard binary of "total war/total peace", and have refused to post my commentary.

So, I'll do it here instead.

(Makes more sense if you head over to the source of such consternation first, check it out, then take a peak at the commentary. Apparently "bombing things to hell" and insulting any religion that is not one's own is okay, but the odd redacted colourful word is not.)

Behold: the comment that NPR don't seem to want to publish.
